Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Human Development Indexes

Relating to Human Development Indexes I examined, the U.S ranks well for all 4 topics of life expectancy, GDP per capita, HDI values as of 2006, and Combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrolment ratio (%). However Zambia, a sub-Saharan country, ranks very low in all of these categories as well as Adult literacy rate, a statistic not mentioned in the U.S. HDI. I believe that Sub-Saharan countries rank so low for combined reasons. One is the fact that much of that area of Africa is unexplored wilds. Rainforests and wild savannahs cover much of it, and human population is sparse as the natural aspects there can be quite unforgiving, as well as the wildlife. Also, the fact that many of these countries have somewhat unorganized or corrupt governments show that the well being of humans and human development is hard in the area. Most African countries are also highly underdeveloped when it comes to technology, which can also play a role. All of this contrasts to the United States where our culture and technology have hugely evolved and adapted, as well as our govt, economy, and industry.

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